Charles Waynick

Ghost Corral 9 Posts

SKU CW-01-21



I always live in the present. The future I can't know. The past I no longer have.” -Fernando Pessoa Before I began referring to myself as a sculptor, I worked as a high school Latin teacher, professional trombonist, fine woodworker, whitewater kayak designer, international adventure travel guide, and Asian tribal art field collector and dealer. Along the way, I survived bubonic plague (Santa Fe), two bouts with dengue fever (Borneo), several serious concussions and near-drownings (extreme sports), a debilitating neurological disease (currently dormant), and numerous catastrophic high-speed car crashes (physically unscathed). My work as a sculptor is directly informed by the diversity and intensity of my life experiences, with all of their attractions and oppositions, affirmations and denials, intentions and accidents, and harmonies and dissonances, both resolved and unresolved, both physical and metaphysical. My work expresses a belief that all of life’s possibilities exist in this very moment, and that in this moment, which is all we have, anything is possible.