Adam Sauers

Turquoise Pot

SKU AD-02-25



Adam J. Sauers is an artist specializing in mosaic inlay of turquoise, a variety of other natural stones, and oyster shell onto ceramic pottery of all shapes and sizes. Originally from Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, Adam is part Native American with two bloodlines of the North Carolina-based Sappony Tribe. He graduated in 2001 from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor’s degree in Geography and Environmental Studies. After graduation he moved to the Philadelphia area where he worked for a local conservation district as an environmental compliance specialist. In 2010 Adam relocated to New Mexico on a leap of faith in search of a different path. He was quickly drawn in by the mountains, sunshine, and amazing beauty of the Land of Enchantment. Adam’s father-in-law, Randy Miller, was a well-known and established artist in the southwest, who had been creating beautiful mosaic turquoise pottery for over 30 years. In 2014, when Adam asked Randy if he would be willing to teach him how to create his art, he happily agreed. A natural from day one, Adam has quickly learned the specific and detailed processes of creating this beautiful artwork, while evolving his own style and des...